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Operators for Folding Doors and Swimming Pools

Discover Operator Solutions for Special Applications

High-quality operator solutions are not only in demand for classic garage or industrial doors: The automation of gates or covers also provides greater safety and comfort in other areas. In the following, we provide an overview of  our FDO series for folding sliding gates and MTS series for pool covers!

Commercial Door Operators for Folding Doors

Find out More About our FDO Series

Gelber Umriss eines LKW über Falttoren mit FDO-Antrieb.

Whether in maintenance and equipment halls, high-safety access points, or at fire departments: Folding doors can be tailored to operational needs and processes. For the automation of such doors, we recommend our FDO operators: They are characterized by their compact design, which offers various installation options .

The convenient emergency release with Bowden cable is already integrated and can be controlled via a sturdy actuation lever from the operator level. The two-stage worm wheel gear and the solid rotary lever were developed specifically for folding doors.

Key Features at a Glance

  • Compact and robust technology
  • Two-stage worm gear
  • Solid rotary lever available in various versions
  • Plug-in connectors
  • End position setting via electronic absolute encoder or mechanical limit switches
  • Thermal protection in motor winding

Available in Three Sizes

Our popular FDO operators are a combination of our STA 1 operators and a matching roller shutter gearbox. The operators are available in three sizes:

  • FDO 20
  • FDO 30
  • FDO 60
Oben grauer Falttorantrieb FDO auf Montageplatte. Unten Ansicht mehrerer Falttore in einer Halle mit gelben Kabeln.

How can FDO Operators be Controlled?

Combine them with our CS 320 industrial door control unit – either with or without a frequency converter – to ensure even and smooth door operation .
If desired, our FDO operators also allow the leaves of a folding door to be operated individually: To do so, you will require two FDO operators as well as our CS320 DUO control unit.

To the Industrial Door Control Units

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Commercial Door Operators Brochure

PDF – 3.0 MB
Language: English

Drives for Pool Covers

Discover our MTS Series

Grüne, schematische Silhouette eines MTS-Antriebs für Schwimmbadabdeckungen.

Specially developed for installation in swimming pools: MTS operators are optimally designed to automate pool covers and electric pool covers in pool complexes. With an entire series from 70 to 1900 newton-meters, we offer you the right operator for every situation!

What Characterizes MTS Operators?

Our MTS operators are outfitted with a built-in stainless steel hollow shaft and a 24 volt DC motor, both offering maximum safety and making them ideal for use with swimming pools. The end position setting is performed via an electronic end position system. Alternatively, mechanical limit switches can also be used. 


Which Control Unit is Suitable for MTS Operators?

As the control unit for your MTS operator, we recommend our external CS 320 comfortable control unit. Thanks to its numerous connection and expansion options even complex control tasks, such as controlling pool and swim coverings, are a breeze with the CS 320.

Draufsicht auf einen MTS-Antrieb mit schwarzem Gehäuse und silbernem Innenleben.
Außenpool mit blauer Rollladenabdeckung. Beige Steinplatten am Beckenrand.
MTS Industrial Gate Operators for Swimming Pool Covers
Außenpool mit blauer Abdeckung in einem grünen Garten. Ein weißer Liegestuhl steht am Poolrand.

Download Documents

Commercial Door Operators Brochure

PDF – 3.0 MB
Language: English

We’re Here for You!

Are you unsure which product from the MTS series you require, or what you should take note of when installing an FDO operator? Are you looking for a Marantec specialist dealer to advise you on your particular on-site situation? If so, please get in touch with us!

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