Whether garage door openers, hand transmitters or other accessories: we want to make your life more convenient every day with our products. In our help and advice section, you will find helpful information on all aspects of garage door openers. Find out more now!
Are you planning a garage and looking for a suitable electric door opener? Would you like to upgrade an opener? Or replace your existing garage door opener with an energy-saving one? We'll explain what you should look out for and how to find the perfect operator for your garage door.
Would you like to open your garage door with a solar-powered operator? Are you wondering what the costs are and what the advantages and disadvantages of such an operator are? We explain what you need to look out for, how a solar garage door opener works and what you need to install it.
Can I upgrade any garage door with an electric opener? How expensive is that? And what do I need to consider with particularly heavy doors or if I don't have a power connection in the garage? In this article, we answer frequently asked questions about upgrading garage door openers and tell you what you should look out for when buying an opener.
Would you like to operate your garage door opener easily using an app? We explain how easy it is to make your Marantec garage door opener smart with the maveo connect stick.
Do you have a topic for our help and advice section or would you like to tell us something? Please write to us at marketing@marantec.com!
We have the right opener for every garage door - including yours! Whether for your new garage or for upgrading: as a medium-sized family business, we offer you reliable and durable garage door openers. Find out more about our innovative, energy-saving and smart operator solutions now.